Introducing SS ERP HMS: Revolutionizing Hospital Management

Empowering Healthcare Excellence

Welcome to the future of healthcare management with Synthegrate Solutions’ state-of-the-art Hospital Management System (HMS). At Synthegrate, we embody the spirit of innovation, where every solution we offer is meticulously crafted to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare industry. With our SS ERP HMS, hospitals can embark on a journey of transformation, unlocking new levels of efficiency, productivity, and patient care.


Unlocking Hospital Efficiency: Introducing the Dashboard Module

  • Where Insights Drive Excellence: Welcome to the heartbeat of hospital efficiency—the Dashboard Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ innovative Hospital Management System (HMS). At Synthegrate, we believe in where innovation meets integration, and our Dashboard Module exemplifies this ethos by delivering actionable insights, seamless coordination, and unparalleled efficiency to healthcare providers worldwide.
  • Importance of the Dashboard Module: In the fast-paced world of healthcare, informed decision-making is critical. The Dashboard Module serves as the nerve center of the HMS, offering a comprehensive overview of key performance indicators, financial health, and operational metrics in real-time. From financial management to strategic planning, the Dashboard Module empowers hospital administrators, clinicians, and staff to navigate the complexities of healthcare with confidence and clarity.
  • Financial Overview: A Window into Fiscal Health: Gain unparalleled visibility into your hospital’s financial landscape with the Financial Overview feature. Track income sources—including OPD, IPD, pharmacy, pathology, radiology, and more—while monitoring expenses with precision. Real-time updates ensure you’re always in control, enabling proactive financial management and strategic decision-making.
  • Yearly Income & Expense: Charting a Course for Success: Navigate the fiscal year with confidence using the Yearly Income & Expense module. By aggregating income and expenses on an annual basis, administrators can identify trends, anticipate challenges, and plan for the future with precision. It’s strategic planning made simple, with Synthegrate Solutions leading the way.
  • Monthly Income Overview: Insights at Your Fingertips: Uncover the story behind your hospital’s revenue streams with the Monthly Income Overview. Analyze monthly income trends, identify peak periods, and optimize resource allocation with ease. From budgeting to forecasting, Synthegrate Solutions empowers you to make data-driven decisions that drive results.
  • Calendar: Streamlining Scheduling, Simplifying Coordination: Efficiency begins with organization, and our Calendar module delivers on both fronts. Visualize important events, appointments, and tasks with ease, streamlining scheduling across departments and staff members. Whether it’s managing appointments or tracking patient visits, our Calendar module ensures seamless coordination at every turn.
  • User Activity: Maximizing Performance, Minimizing Waste: In the bustling world of healthcare, efficiency is paramount. Our User Activity module tracks the activity levels of different user roles within the HMS, enabling performance evaluation, workload distribution, and resource optimization. From accountants to nurses, Synthegrate Solutions ensures every member of your team operates at peak efficiency.
    At Synthegrate Solutions, we’re committed to redefining the future of healthcare. With our SS ERP HMS and its powerful Dashboard Module leading the charge, hospitals can unlock new levels of efficiency, excellence, and patient care. Join us on the journey to where innovation meets integration, and together, let’s shape the future of healthcare.

Navigating Hospital Finances with Ease: Introducing the Billing Module

Where Precision Meets Efficiency: Welcome to the financial heartbeat of hospital management—the Billing Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ innovative Hospital Management System (HMS). At Synthegrate, we’re committed to where innovation meets integrations, and our Billing Module stands as a testament to our dedication to streamlining financial processes, enhancing revenue management, and ensuring financial sustainability for healthcare institutions worldwide.

Slogan: Empowering Fiscal Health with the Billing Module:

Importance of the Billing Module: In the intricate tapestry of hospital management, effective billing processes are indispensable. The Billing Module plays a pivotal role in ensuring accurate invoicing, timely payments, and comprehensive revenue management. By automating billing procedures and integrating financial data seamlessly within the HMS, hospitals can optimize their financial performance, improve cash flow, and maintain compliance with regulatory standards.

Introduction to the Dashboard Module: The Dashboard Module serves as the gateway to comprehensive hospital management within the SS ERP HMS. Offering real-time insights into key performance indicators, financial health, and operational metrics, the Dashboard Module empowers hospital administrators, clinicians, and staff to make informed decisions and drive excellence in patient care.

Exploring the Functions of the Billing Module

Appointment Billing:

  • Create billing records for new patient appointments.
  • Input details such as doctor’s name, appointment fees, date, time slot, priority, payment mode, and appointment type.
  • Indicate if the appointment will be conducted via live consultation.

Appointment Billing List:

  • Overview of scheduled appointments with patient details, appointment number, date, fees, and appointment status.
  • Option to copy/export the list for further analysis or printing.

OPD Billing:

  • Register and bill Outpatient Department (OPD) visits.
  • Input patient details, appointment date, case type, TPA information, referring doctor, charges, and payment details.

OPD Billing List:

  • Comprehensive overview of OPD visits with patient details, consulting doctor, last visit date, and total recheckup count.
  • Search functionality and export options for further analysis.

Pathology Billing:

  • Register new patients for pathology services.
  • Input test details, prescription number, bill number, referring doctor, charges, and payment information.

Pathology Billing List:

  • Overview of pathology services rendered with billing details and patient information.
  • Search functionality and export options for convenience.

Radiology Billing:

  • Register new patients for radiology services.
  • Input test details, prescription number, bill number, referring doctor, charges, and payment details.

Radiology Billing List:

  • Organized view of radiology services provided with billing details and patient information.
  • Search functionality and export options for ease of use.

Blood Issue:

  • Register new patients for blood issue services.
  • Input case details, issue date, blood group, charges, and payment information.

Blood Issue Billing:

  • Manage records related to blood issue services with billing details and patient information.
  • Search functionality and export options for convenience.

Blood Component Issue:

  • Issue blood components to patients.
  • Input case details, issue date, blood group, charges, and payment information.

Blood Component Issue Billing:

  • Manage records related to blood component issues with billing details and patient information.
  • Search functionality and export options for ease of use.

OPD/IPD Billing Through Case ID:

  • Access and manage billing records associated with a specific case ID for both OPD and IPD services.
  • Streamlined process for efficient billing procedures.

Case ID Entry:

  • Enter case ID to retrieve relevant billing records quickly and accurately.
  • Ensures timely billing procedures and financial management efficiency.

With the Billing Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS, hospitals can navigate the complexities of financial management with confidence and precision. From appointment billing to pathology services, radiology, and blood issue management, every aspect of hospital billing is seamlessly integrated within the HMS, ensuring optimal financial performance and operational efficiency.

Optimizing Patient Care: Introducing the Appointment Module

Where Efficiency Meets Care: Welcome to the heart of patient management—the Appointment Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ cutting-edge Hospital Management System (HMS). At Synthegrate, we believe in where innovation meets integrations, and our Appointment Module exemplifies our commitment to revolutionizing healthcare delivery. With our Appointment Module, hospitals can streamline appointment scheduling, optimize resource allocation, and enhance patient satisfaction with precision and efficiency.

Slogan: Scheduling Success with the Appointment Module

Importance of the Appointment Module: In the dynamic landscape of healthcare delivery, efficient appointment management is crucial. The Appointment Module serves as the cornerstone of patient care within the HMS, facilitating seamless coordination between patients, clinicians, and administrative staff. By centralizing appointment scheduling, prioritizing patient needs, and optimizing doctor-patient interactions, the Appointment Module enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of hospital operations.

Introduction to the Appointment Module: The Appointment Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS empowers healthcare institutions to manage appointments with ease and precision. From scheduling new appointments to managing doctor-wise schedules and patient queues, the Appointment Module offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to optimize patient care delivery and streamline administrative workflows.

Exploring the Functions of the Appointment Module

  1. Appointment Details:
  • Provides a comprehensive overview of scheduled appointments.
  • Displays vital information such as patient names, appointment numbers, dates, contact phone numbers, consulting doctors, appointment sources, and priority statuses.
  • Users can efficiently search for specific appointments and export information in various formats for further analysis or documentation.


 2. Add Appointment:

  • Facilitates the scheduling of new appointments within the HMS.
  • Users can input details such as selecting the doctor, specifying fees, choosing the appointment date and time slot, indicating priority, and specifying payment mode.
  • Option to add relevant messages and indicate the need for live consultations.
  • Provides flexibility to copy and export appointment details and customize display preferences.


3.  Doctor Wise:

  • Allows users to view appointments scheduled for a specific doctor on a particular date.
  • Provides a convenient way to access and manage appointment schedules for individual doctors.
  • Enables efficient organization of patient consultations and resource allocation.


4. Queue:

  • Enables users to manage patient queues for specific doctors during designated shifts and dates.
  • Users can specify the desired doctor, shift, date, and time slot for managing the patient queue.
  • Features options to reorder the patient queue for optimal efficiency and search function for quick patient retrieval.
  • Streamlines patient flow management and ensures smooth operations within the healthcare facility.

With the Appointment Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS, hospitals can redefine patient care delivery and elevate the patient experience to new heights. From efficient appointment scheduling to seamless patient queue management, every aspect of appointment coordination is seamlessly integrated within the HMS, ensuring unparalleled efficiency and patient satisfaction.


Elevating Outpatient Care: Introducing the OPD – Outpatient Module

Where Wellness Begins: Welcome to the forefront of outpatient care—the OPD – Outpatient Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ innovative Hospital Management System (HMS). At Synthegrate, we’re committed to where innovation meets integrations, and our OPD – Outpatient Module stands as a testament to our dedication to revolutionizing healthcare delivery. With our OPD – Outpatient Module, hospitals can streamline outpatient processes, enhance patient experiences, and elevate the standard of outpatient care with precision and efficiency.

Slogan: Empowering Wellness with the OPD – Outpatient Module

Importance of the OPD – Outpatient Module: In the landscape of modern healthcare, outpatient services play a crucial role in delivering timely and accessible care to patients. The OPD – Outpatient Module serves as the cornerstone of outpatient management within the HMS, enabling hospitals to efficiently register new patients, manage patient records, and streamline outpatient workflows. By centralizing outpatient processes and optimizing resource utilization, the OPD – Outpatient Module enhances patient satisfaction, improves operational efficiency, and ensures continuity of care for outpatient services.

Introduction to the OPD – Outpatient Module: The OPD – Outpatient Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS empowers healthcare institutions to deliver exceptional outpatient care with ease and precision. From registering new patients to managing outpatient records and appointments, the OPD – Outpatient Module offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to optimize outpatient care delivery and enhance patient experiences.

Exploring the Functions of the OPD – Outpatient Module

OPD Patient:

  • Allows users to search for and manage records of registered patients in the Outpatient Department.
  • Displays patient details such as names, IDs, guardian names, genders, contact phone numbers, consulting doctors, dates of last visits, and total recheckup count.
  • Provides options to copy and export patient lists in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Enables customization of column visibility, printing of patient lists, and management of display preferences.

Add Patient:

  • Facilitates the registration of new patients in the Outpatient Department (OPD).
  • Users input various health-related details such as height, weight, blood pressure (BP), pulse rate, temperature, respiration rate, and symptoms type.
  • Select symptoms titles and descriptions from predefined lists, add notes or known allergies, specify appointment dates, indicate patient status (new or old), provide Third Party Administrator (TPA) details if applicable, select reference sources, assign consultant doctors, choose charge categories and specific charges, apply taxes, input payment details, and specify if live consultations are required.
  • Offers flexibility to copy and export patient details and customize display preferences.

With the OPD – Outpatient Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS, hospitals can redefine outpatient care delivery and set new standards for patient satisfaction. From efficient patient registration to comprehensive record management, every aspect of outpatient care is seamlessly integrated within the HMS, ensuring optimal efficiency and patient-centric care delivery.

Enhancing Inpatient Care: Introducing the IPD – InPatient Module

Where Comfort Meets Care: Welcome to the hub of inpatient management—the IPD – InPatient Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ advanced Hospital Management System (HMS). At Synthegrate, we strive for where innovation meets integrations, and our IPD – InPatient Module exemplifies our commitment to revolutionizing healthcare delivery. With our IPD – InPatient Module, hospitals can streamline inpatient processes, optimize resource allocation, and elevate the standard of inpatient care with precision and efficiency.

Slogan: Empowering Healing with the IPD – InPatient Module

Importance of the IPD – InPatient Module: In the landscape of modern healthcare, inpatient services play a vital role in providing comprehensive and specialized care to patients requiring hospitalization. The IPD – InPatient Module serves as the cornerstone of inpatient management within the HMS, facilitating seamless admission, monitoring, and discharge processes. By centralizing inpatient operations and optimizing bed utilization, the IPD – InPatient Module enhances patient outcomes, improves operational efficiency, and ensures continuity of care for inpatient services.

Introduction to the IPD – InPatient Module: The IPD – InPatient Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS empowers healthcare institutions to deliver exceptional inpatient care with ease and precision. From registering new patients to managing inpatient records and discharge processes, the IPD – InPatient Module offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to optimize inpatient care delivery and enhance patient experiences.

Exploring the Functions of the IPD – InPatient Module

IPD Patient:

  • Displays a comprehensive list of patients admitted to the Inpatient Department (IPD).
  • Provides search functionality based on criteria such as IPD number, case ID, patient name, gender, phone number, consulting doctor, bed allocation, and credit limit.
  • Offers options to copy and export patient lists in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Enables customization of column visibility, printing of patient lists, and management of display preferences.

Add Patient:

  • Facilitates the registration of new patients in the Inpatient Department (IPD) with comprehensive health and administrative details.
  • Allows input of patient vitals such as height, weight, blood pressure (BP), pulse rate, temperature, and respiration rate.
  • Enables selection of symptom types and specification of symptoms titles and descriptions from predefined lists.
  • Provides flexibility to add notes, specify admission dates, indicate patient status, provide Third Party Administrator (TPA) details, set credit limits, assign consultant doctors, choose bed groups and bed numbers, and specify live consultation requirements.

IPD Discharged Patient:

  • Presents a comprehensive list of patients discharged from the Inpatient Department (IPD).
  • Offers search functionality based on criteria such as patient name, patient ID, case ID, gender, phone number, consulting doctor, admission date, discharged date, tax amount, net amount, and total amount.
  • Enables copying and exporting of patient lists in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Allows customization of column visibility, printing of patient lists, and management of display preferences.

With the IPD – InPatient Module within Synthegrate Solutions’ SS ERP HMS, hospitals can redefine inpatient care delivery and set new standards for patient satisfaction. From efficient admission processes to comprehensive discharge management, every aspect of inpatient care is seamlessly integrated within the HMS, ensuring optimal efficiency and patient-centric care delivery.

Elevating Healthcare: Unveiling the Pharmacy Module

Your Prescription to Precision Healthcare

Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Pharmacy Module, where innovation seamlessly integrates with healthcare delivery to redefine the pharmacy experience. Our Pharmacy Module serves as the cornerstone of efficient medication management within the Synthegrate Hospital Management System (SHMS). With a focus on precision, accessibility, and patient-centric care, our Pharmacy Module empowers healthcare institutions to optimize medication processes, enhance patient safety, and elevate the standard of pharmaceutical care.

Slogan: Precision Medication Management with Synthegrate’s Pharmacy Module

Importance of the Pharmacy Module

In today’s dynamic healthcare landscape, effective medication management is paramount to ensuring patient safety, improving treatment outcomes, and enhancing overall quality of care. The Pharmacy Module plays a pivotal role within the Hospital Management System by facilitating seamless medication procurement, dispensing, and inventory management. By streamlining pharmacy operations and ensuring accurate medication administration, the Pharmacy Module enhances patient safety, reduces medication errors, and promotes optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Introduction to the Pharmacy Module

Synthegrate Solutions’ Pharmacy Module is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize medication management within healthcare institutions. From medication procurement and inventory control to prescription management and billing, our Pharmacy Module offers a suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern pharmacies. With intuitive interfaces, robust functionality, and seamless integration with other modules within the SHMS, our Pharmacy Module empowers pharmacies to deliver efficient, safe, and patient-centered pharmaceutical care.

Exploring the Functions of the Pharmacy Module

Pharmacy Bill:

  • Provides a summary of pharmacy bills generated within the SHMS.
  • Allows users to search for specific bills based on criteria such as bill number, case ID, date, patient name, and doctor name.
  • Offers options to copy and export bill details in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Enables customization of column visibility, printing of bill summaries, and management of display preferences.

Generate Bill:

  • Facilitates the generation of pharmacy bills for patient medication purchases.
  • Allows users to select the patient, review prescriptions, add medications with correct details, apply discounts if applicable, and generate the bill.
  • Provides options to review the accuracy of the bill, print or export it for the patient, record payments, and maintain billing records.


  • Displays an overview of the current stock of medicines within the hospital or pharmacy.
  • Allows users to search for specific medicines using criteria such as medicine name, company, composition, category, and available quantity.
  • Offers options to copy and export stock details in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Enables customization of column visibility, printing of stock summaries, and management of display preferences.

Import Medicines:

  • Allows users to import medicines data from a CSV file into the system.
  • Provides a sample CSV file for formatting reference.
  • Requires users to select the appropriate medicine category and choose the CSV file from their device.
  • Ensures compatibility with UTF-8 format to avoid encoding issues during import.

Add Medicines:

  • Enables users to input detailed information for new medicines into the system.
  • Requires essential details such as medicine name, category, company, composition, and unit.
  • Allows users to upload a photo of the medicine for visual reference.
  • Facilitates accurate management and tracking of medicine inventory within the system.


  • Stores records of all medicine purchases made by the pharmacy.
  • Provides details such as purchase number, date, supplier name, total amount, tax amount, discount amount, and net amount.
  • Allows users to search for specific purchases using filters or keywords.
  • Offers options to copy and export purchase data in various formats for reporting or sharing purposes.

Purchase Medicine:

  • Streamlines the process of recording medicine purchases within the pharmacy management system.
  • Requires input of essential details such as bill number, purchase date, and specifics of each medicine purchased.
  • Automatically calculates the total amount, applies discounts or taxes if applicable, and generates the net amount payable.
  • Allows selection of payment mode, input of payment amount, and addition of necessary notes.

Delete Selected:

  • Provides functionality to delete selected records within the Pharmacy Module as needed.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Pharmacy Module, pharmacies can embrace innovation, streamline operations, and deliver superior pharmaceutical care to patients. From medication procurement to dispensing and billing, our Pharmacy Module is your prescription to precision healthcare management.


Empowering Diagnosis: Introducing the Pathology Module

Unlocking Insights, Enhancing Care: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Pathology Module, where innovation meets precision to redefine diagnostic excellence within the healthcare landscape. Our Pathology Module serves as the cornerstone of efficient diagnostic services within the Synthegrate Hospital Management System (SHMS). With a focus on accuracy, accessibility, and patient-centric care, our Pathology Module empowers healthcare institutions to streamline diagnostic processes, improve clinical outcomes, and elevate the standard of patient care.

Slogan: Precision Diagnostics with Synthegrate’s Pathology Module

Importance of the Pathology Module: In today’s fast-paced healthcare environment, accurate and timely diagnosis is critical for effective patient management and treatment planning. The Pathology Module plays a pivotal role within the Hospital Management System by providing comprehensive tools for managing pathology services, from test ordering and specimen processing to result reporting and billing. By centralizing and automating pathology workflows, the Pathology Module enhances diagnostic efficiency, reduces turnaround times, and ensures optimal patient care.

Introduction to the Pathology Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Pathology Module is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize diagnostic services within healthcare institutions. From test management and result reporting to billing and invoicing, our Pathology Module offers a suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern pathology laboratories. With intuitive interfaces, robust functionality, and seamless integration with other modules within the SHMS, our Pathology Module empowers laboratories to deliver accurate, reliable, and timely diagnostic results.

Exploring the Functions of the Pathology Module

Pathology Bill:

  • Compiles and manages bills generated for pathology services rendered to patients.
  • Enables efficient search for specific bills based on criteria such as bill number, case ID, reporting date, patient name, and reference doctor.
  • Provides detailed bill entries including total amount billed, amount paid, and remaining balance.
  • Offers options to copy and export bill data in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Allows customization of column visibility, printing of bill summaries, and management of display preferences.

Generate Bill:

  • Facilitates the registration of new patients for pathology services.
  • Requires input of essential details such as prescription number, bill number, test details, report date, referral doctor, and payment information.
  • Ensures accurate recording and billing of pathology services provided to patients.
  • Streamlines administrative processes within the pathology department.

Pathology Test:

  • Provides an organized overview of all pathology tests available within the system.
  • Allows search for specific tests using criteria such as test name, category, method, and charge amount.
  • Offers detailed test information including test type, report days, tax percentage, and associated parameters.
  • Enables customization of column visibility, printing of test lists, and management of display preferences.

Add Pathology Test:

  • Streamlines the process of adding new pathology tests to the system.
  • Requires input of detailed test information including test name, category, method, charge details, and test parameters.
  • Enhances diagnostic capabilities within the healthcare facility.
  • Ensures accurate description and billing of pathology tests, contributing to efficient patient care and diagnosis.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Pathology Module, laboratories can harness the power of innovation to deliver precision diagnostics and drive superior patient outcomes. From test management to result reporting, our Pathology Module is your trusted partner in diagnostic excellence.

Unlocking Insights, Enhancing Care: Introducing the Radiology Module

Precision Imaging, Seamless Care: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Radiology Module, where innovation meets precision to redefine imaging excellence within the healthcare landscape. Our Radiology Module serves as the cornerstone of efficient diagnostic imaging services within the Synthegrate Hospital Management System (SHMS). With a focus on accuracy, accessibility, and patient-centric care, our Radiology Module empowers healthcare institutions to streamline imaging workflows, improve diagnostic accuracy, and elevate the standard of patient care.

Slogan: Clearer Diagnosis, Brighter Futures with Synthegrate’s Radiology Module

Importance of the Radiology Module: In the realm of modern healthcare, diagnostic imaging plays a crucial role in patient management and treatment planning. The Radiology Module within the Hospital Management System serves as a vital tool for healthcare providers, enabling them to access, manage, and interpret imaging studies seamlessly. From X-rays and MRIs to CT scans and ultrasounds, the Radiology Module facilitates the acquisition, storage, interpretation, and reporting of diagnostic images, ensuring timely and accurate diagnoses. By centralizing imaging workflows and integrating with other modules within the SHMS, the Radiology Module enhances efficiency, reduces turnaround times, and improves patient outcomes.

Introduction to the Radiology Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Radiology Module is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize diagnostic imaging services within healthcare institutions. From image acquisition and interpretation to reporting and billing, our Radiology Module offers a suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern radiology departments. With intuitive interfaces, advanced functionality, and seamless integration capabilities, our Radiology Module empowers radiologists, technicians, and healthcare providers to deliver superior imaging services and optimize patient care.

Exploring the Functions of the Radiology Module

Radiology Bill:

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of bills generated for radiology services within the hospital management system.
  • Enables efficient search for specific bills based on criteria such as bill number, case ID, reporting date, patient name, and reference doctor.
  • Includes essential details such as total amount billed, amount paid, and outstanding balance.
  • Offers options to copy and export bill data in various formats for further analysis or documentation.
  • Allows customization of column visibility, printing of bill summaries, and management of display preferences.

Generate Bill:

  • Facilitates the creation of radiology bills within the hospital management system.
  • Ensures accurate billing for radiology services provided to patients.
  • Requires input of essential details such as prescription number, test details, report date, referral doctor, and payment information.
  • Streamlines administrative processes within the radiology department.

Radiology Test:

  • Provides a structured overview of all radiology tests available within the system.
  • Allows search for specific tests using criteria such as test name, category, and charge amount.
  • Offers detailed test information including test type, report days, and associated parameters.
  • Enables customization of column visibility, printing of test lists, and management of display preferences.

Add Radiology Test:

  • Enables administrators to input detailed information for radiology tests within the system.
  • Enhances diagnostic capabilities within the healthcare facility.
  • Requires input of essential details such as test name, category, charge details, and test parameters.
  • Ensures accurate description and billing of radiology tests, contributing to efficient patient care and diagnosis.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Radiology Module, healthcare institutions can harness the power of innovation to deliver precise imaging services and drive superior patient outcomes. From image management to report generation, our Radiology Module is your trusted partner in imaging excellence.

Empowering Lives, One Drop at a Time: Introducing the Blood Bank Module

Strength in Unity, Hope in Every Transfusion: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Blood Bank Module, where innovation meets compassion to redefine the landscape of blood management within healthcare institutions. With a focus on efficiency, accessibility, and patient-centric care, our Blood Bank Module empowers hospitals to streamline blood inventory management, enhance donor engagement, and ensure timely access to life-saving transfusions. From real-time inventory tracking to seamless issue management, our module serves as a beacon of hope for patients in need and a cornerstone of excellence for healthcare providers.

Slogan: Saving Lives, Strengthening Communities with Synthegrate’s Blood Bank Module

Importance of the Blood Bank Module: In the intricate web of healthcare delivery, the Blood Bank Module stands as a critical component, ensuring the availability of safe and compatible blood products for patients in need. By centralizing blood inventory management, donor information, and issue tracking, our module facilitates efficient allocation of blood resources, minimizes wastage, and improves patient outcomes. From emergency transfusions to scheduled procedures, the Blood Bank Module plays a pivotal role in safeguarding lives and fostering a culture of community care within healthcare facilities.

Introduction to the Blood Bank Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Blood Bank Module is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize blood management within healthcare institutions. From donor registration and inventory tracking to issue management and reporting, our module offers a suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern blood banks. With user-friendly interfaces, advanced functionality, and seamless integration capabilities, our Blood Bank Module empowers administrators, clinicians, and donors to collaborate effectively in the fight against blood shortages and transfusion-related challenges.

Exploring the Functions of the Blood Bank Module

Blood Bank Status:

  • Provides real-time information on the status of the blood bank inventory.
  • Displays current inventory levels of blood products, including whole blood, packed red blood cells, platelets, plasma, and other components.
  • Facilitates efficient management of blood supplies and allocation of resources based on patient needs.
  • Enables prompt response to urgent needs or shortages through timely monitoring and reporting.

Donor Details:

  • Add Blood Donor: Allows administrators to input comprehensive information about blood donors into the system.
  • Donor Details: Provides an organized overview of all registered blood donors within the system.
  • Enables efficient search for specific donors based on various criteria such as donor name, blood group, and contact information.
  • Facilitates effective communication with donors regarding future donations, updates, and engagement opportunities.

Blood Issue Details:

  • Issue Blood: Enables users to issue blood to patients in need, ensuring efficient management of blood resources.
  • Blood Issue Details: Provides an organized overview of all blood issued to patients within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of blood issue transactions, including recipient information, blood group, and billing details.

Components Issue Details:

  • Presents a detailed overview of issued blood components within the healthcare facility.
  • Enables efficient tracking and management of blood component transactions, including lot numbers, bag types, and billing information.

Issue Components:

  • Enables users to issue specific blood components to patients, ensuring accurate documentation and billing.
  • Facilitates efficient management of blood component inventory and allocation based on patient needs.

Components List:

  • Components List Detail: Provides a structured overview of all blood components in the inventory.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of blood component inventory, including lot numbers, bag types, and quantities.

Add Components:

  • Enables administrators to add new blood components to the inventory, ensuring sufficient availability for patient needs.
  • Enhances inventory management capabilities by facilitating the addition of new blood products with detailed information for tracking and allocation.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Blood Bank Module, healthcare institutions can harness the power of innovation to save lives, strengthen communities, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients in need. From donor engagement to issue management, our module is your trusted partner in the journey towards a healthier, more resilient future.

Navigating Emergencies with Precision: Unveiling the Ambulance Module

On the Road to Rapid Response, Every Second Counts: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Ambulance Module, where innovation meets efficiency to redefine emergency transportation within healthcare institutions. With a focus on timely response, patient safety, and seamless coordination, our Ambulance Module empowers hospitals to optimize ambulance services, streamline dispatch operations, and deliver life-saving care to those in need. From real-time call tracking to fleet management, our module serves as a beacon of hope for patients in distress and a cornerstone of reliability for healthcare providers.

Slogan: Bringing Care to Your Doorstep with Synthegrate’s Ambulance Module

Importance of the Ambulance Module: In the fast-paced world of emergency medicine, the Ambulance Module stands as a critical lifeline, bridging the gap between patients and care providers during times of crisis. By centralizing call management, dispatch coordination, and fleet tracking, our module ensures swift and efficient response to emergencies, reducing response times, and improving patient outcomes. From accident scenes to medical emergencies, the Ambulance Module plays a pivotal role in delivering timely care and peace of mind to patients and their families.

Introduction to the Ambulance Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Ambulance Module is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize emergency transportation within healthcare institutions. With advanced features, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless integration capabilities, our module empowers administrators, dispatchers, and drivers to collaborate effectively in navigating emergencies with precision and confidence. From call registration to ambulance allocation, our module offers a suite of functionalities tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern healthcare settings.

Exploring the Functions of the Ambulance Module

Ambulance Call List:

  • Provides a detailed record of all ambulance calls facilitated by the healthcare facility.
  • Includes essential information such as patient details, vehicle information, driver contact, and billing details.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of ambulance services, ensuring timely response to emergencies.

Add Ambulance Call:

  • Enables users to register new ambulance calls within the system.
  • Ensures accurate documentation and billing for ambulance services rendered to patients.
  • Facilitates streamlined operations and efficient management of transportation services within the healthcare facility.

Ambulance List:

  • Presents a structured overview of all ambulances registered within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of ambulance fleet, including vehicle details and driver information.
  • Enables administrators to optimize resource allocation and ensure readiness for emergency response.

Add Ambulance:

  • Allows administrators to add new ambulances to the system.
  • Ensures a comprehensive record of available transportation resources within the healthcare facility.
  • Facilitates efficient management and allocation of ambulance services to meet patient needs effectively.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Ambulance Module, healthcare institutions can navigate emergencies with confidence, speed, and precision. From accident scenes to critical care transfers, our module is your trusted partner in the journey towards safer, more efficient emergency transportation services.

Elevating Efficiency at the Front Lines: Introducing Synthegrate Solutions’ Front Office Module

Where Every Interaction Matters: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Front Office Module, your gateway to seamless visitor management, effective communication tracking, and efficient complaint resolution within healthcare facilities. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency, ensuring patient satisfaction, and optimizing administrative processes, our Front Office Module serves as the cornerstone of exceptional front-line services. From visitor registration to postal management, our module empowers healthcare institutions to deliver unparalleled experiences to patients, visitors, and staff alike.

Slogan: Opening Doors to Exceptional Service with Synthegrate’s Front Office Module

Importance of the Front Office Module: As the face of the healthcare facility, the front office plays a crucial role in shaping the overall patient experience and operational efficiency. The Front Office Module streamlines essential functions such as visitor management, communication tracking, and complaint resolution, ensuring smooth operations and seamless interactions at every touchpoint. By centralizing these critical processes, our module enables healthcare institutions to enhance patient satisfaction, improve staff productivity, and elevate service standards.

Introduction to the Front Office Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Front Office Module is a comprehensive solution designed to optimize front-line operations within healthcare institutions. With intuitive features, user-friendly interfaces, and robust functionalities, our module empowers front office staff to deliver exceptional service and streamline administrative tasks with ease. From visitor registration to complaint resolution, our module offers a suite of tools tailored to meet the unique needs of modern healthcare settings.

Exploring the Functions of the Front Office Module

Visitor List:

  • Provides a comprehensive record of visitors to the healthcare facility.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of visitor flow, ensuring security and operational efficiency.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize visitor data for further analysis or documentation.

Add Visitor:

  • Facilitates the registration of visitors to the healthcare facility.
  • Ensures effective management of visitor flow and security measures.
  • Enables accurate documentation of visitor activity, enhancing operational transparency and accountability.

Phone Call Log:

  • Presents a structured overview of all phone calls logged within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and follow-up on important calls.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize call log data for effective communication management.

Add Phone Call Log:

  • Enables users to log phone calls for effective communication tracking and follow-up.
  • Facilitates accurate documentation and ensures timely response to inquiries or requests.
  • Enhances communication management and coordination within the healthcare facility.


  • Provides an organized overview of all items or correspondence received within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of incoming items or correspondence.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize received data for streamlined postal management.

Add Receive:

  • Facilitates the recording of received items or correspondence within the healthcare facility.
  • Ensures accurate documentation and enhances tracking and management processes.
  • Enables efficient handling of incoming items or correspondence, improving operational efficiency.

Postal Dispatch list:

  • Presents a structured overview of all items or correspondence dispatched within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of outgoing items or correspondence.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize dispatch data for streamlined postal management.

Add Dispatch:

  • Enables users to record items or correspondence dispatched from the healthcare facility.
  • Ensures accurate documentation and enhances tracking and management processes.
  • Facilitates efficient handling of outgoing items or correspondence, improving operational efficiency.

Complains List:

  • Provides a structured overview of all complaints registered within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of complaints.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize complaint data for timely resolution.

Add Complains:

  • Allows users to register complaints within the healthcare facility.
  • Ensures effective resolution and continuous improvement in services.
  • Facilitates accurate documentation and enhances complaint resolution processes.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Front Office Module, healthcare institutions can transform front-line operations, elevate service standards, and deliver exceptional experiences to patients and visitors. From visitor management to communication tracking, our module is your trusted ally in enhancing efficiency, improving satisfaction, and driving excellence at the front lines of healthcare.

Ensuring Comprehensive Record Keeping: Introducing Synthegrate Solutions’ Birth & Death Module

Where Life’s Beginnings and Endings are Documented with Care: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Birth & Death Module, the cornerstone of comprehensive record-keeping within healthcare facilities. From capturing the joyous moments of new life to respectfully recording the passing of patients, our module ensures accurate documentation of vital events. With intuitive features and robust functionalities, our Birth & Death Module empowers healthcare institutions to maintain complete and organized records, enhancing efficiency, compliance, and patient care.

Slogan: From Birth to Beyond: Synthegrate’s Birth & Death Module Captures Every Moment

Importance of the Birth & Death Module: The Birth & Death Module plays a pivotal role in the Hospital Management System by ensuring the accurate documentation of two significant events in the lifecycle of patients: birth and death. By maintaining detailed records of births and deaths, healthcare facilities can adhere to regulatory requirements, track demographic trends, and provide comprehensive patient care. From managing newborn registrations to recording patient mortality, our module enhances data integrity, facilitates informed decision-making, and promotes operational excellence within healthcare institutions.

Introduction to the Birth & Death Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Birth & Death Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the documentation of births and deaths within healthcare facilities. With user-friendly interfaces and robust functionalities, our module empowers healthcare personnel to capture and manage vital information with ease. From registering newborn births to documenting patient mortality, our module ensures accurate record-keeping and facilitates efficient data management across the healthcare continuum.

Exploring the Functions of the Birth & Death Module

Birth Record:

  • Provides a structured overview of all birth records registered within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient tracking and management of newborn births within the healthcare facility.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize birth record data for further analysis or documentation.

Add Birth Record:

  • Allows for the registration of newborn births within the healthcare facility.
  • Ensures accurate documentation of vital information such as the child’s name, gender, and birth date.
  • Enables users to upload photos and associated documents for comprehensive record-keeping.

Death Record:

  • Provides a systematic overview of all recorded patient deaths within the system.
  • Facilitates efficient management and tracking of patient mortality within the healthcare facility.
  • Enables users to search, export, and customize death record data for further analysis or documentation.

Add Death Record:

  • Allows healthcare personnel to register instances of patient death within the facility.
  • Ensures accurate recording of key details such as the patient’s name, death date, and guardian information.
  • Enables users to attach relevant documents to provide additional context or information.

With Synthegrate Solutions’ Birth & Death Module, healthcare institutions can maintain accurate and comprehensive records of vital events, ensuring compliance, enhancing patient care, and promoting operational efficiency. From capturing the first breaths of new life to respectfully documenting the final moments of patients, our module is your trusted partner in ensuring comprehensive record-keeping across the healthcare continuum.


Empowering Your Workforce: Introducing Synthegrate Solutions’ Human Resource Module

Where Efficiency Meets Empowerment: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Human Resource Module, the heart of workforce management within healthcare facilities. Our module is designed to streamline HR processes, enhance staff productivity, and foster a collaborative and engaged workforce. With intuitive features and comprehensive functionalities, our Human Resource Module is your partner in optimizing staff management, ensuring compliance, and driving organizational success.

Slogan: Empower Your Workforce with Synthegrate’s Human Resource Module

Importance of the Human Resource Module: The Human Resource Module plays a critical role in the Hospital Management System by centralizing and automating essential HR functions. From managing staff directories to processing payroll and managing leaves, our module streamlines HR processes, enhances data accuracy, and promotes employee satisfaction. By providing healthcare institutions with the tools to efficiently manage their workforce, our module contributes to improved organizational efficiency, staff productivity, and patient care quality.

Introduction to the Human Resource Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Human Resource Module is a comprehensive solution designed to optimize staff management within healthcare facilities. From recruitment to retirement, our module offers a suite of functionalities to streamline HR processes and empower the workforce. With user-friendly interfaces and robust features, our module ensures efficient HR operations, compliance with regulatory requirements, and enhanced employee engagement.

Exploring the Functions of the Human Resource Module

Staff Directory:

  • Provides a comprehensive listing of all staff members within the healthcare facility.
  • Offers two convenient views: Card View and List View, for easy browsing of staff information.
  • Enhances communication and collaboration among staff members by providing easy access to contact information and roles.

Add Staff:

  • Enables the registration of new staff members within the healthcare facility.
  • Allows for the input of detailed staff information including personal details, qualifications, payroll details, and more.
  • Facilitates efficient onboarding and ensures accurate record-keeping of staff information.

Staff Attendance:

  • Allows for the recording of staff attendance within the healthcare facility.
  • Aids in tracking staff presence and ensures accurate attendance management.


  • Facilitates the efficient management of payroll processes within the healthcare facility.
  • Enables users to specify payroll details for staff members according to their roles and designated time periods.


  • Provides a personalized view of leaves for individual staff members.
  • Allows users to apply for leaves and track their leave history easily.
  • Streamlines the leave approval process and ensures effective management of staff leave within the organization.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Human Resource Module is your comprehensive solution for workforce management within healthcare facilities. From optimizing staff directories to processing payroll and managing leaves, our module empowers healthcare institutions to streamline HR operations, enhance staff productivity, and deliver exceptional patient care. With Synthegrate’s Human Resource Module, empower your workforce and drive organizational success.

Unlocking Growth: Synthegrate Solutions’ Referral Module

Where Connections Drive Success

Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Referral Module, your gateway to maximizing patient referrals and fostering strong professional relationships within the healthcare ecosystem. Our module is designed to streamline referral processes, track commissions accurately, and empower healthcare institutions to leverage their networks for growth. With innovative features and intuitive functionalities, our Referral Module is your partner in driving referrals, optimizing revenue streams, and enhancing patient care.

Slogan: Harness Your Network with Synthegrate’s Referral Module

Importance of the Referral Module

The Referral Module plays a pivotal role in the Hospital Management System by facilitating seamless communication and collaboration between healthcare providers. By centralizing referral processes, tracking commissions, and managing Third Party Administrators (TPAs), our module empowers healthcare institutions to strengthen their referral networks, optimize revenue streams, and deliver enhanced patient care. With Synthegrate’s Referral Module, healthcare providers can harness the power of their connections to drive growth and success.

Introduction to the Referral Module

Synthegrate Solutions’ Referral Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline referral processes and maximize revenue opportunities within healthcare institutions. From managing referral payments to tracking referral persons and Third Party Administrators (TPAs), our module offers a suite of functionalities to optimize referral management and foster strong professional relationships. With user-friendly interfaces and robust features, our Referral Module empowers healthcare providers to unlock the full potential of their networks and drive organizational success.

Exploring the Functions of the Referral Module

Referral Payment List:

  • Provides a comprehensive view of referral payments within the healthcare system.
  • Enables users to search for specific referral payments and export data for further analysis.
  • Enhances transparency and accountability in the referral payment process.

Add Referral Payment:

  • Facilitates the addition of referral payments within the healthcare system.
  • Records patient and bill details alongside commission information for accurate tracking.
  • Streamlines the process of adding referral payments and enhances transparency in financial transactions.

Referral Person:

  • Presents a comprehensive list of referral persons within the system.
  • Displays key details such as referrer’s name, contact information, and commission percentages.
  • Enhances transparency and accountability in referral-related transactions.

Add Referral Person:

  • Enables the addition of referral persons to the healthcare system.
  • Records contact details, commission percentages, and category information for effective management.
  • Facilitates communication and collaboration with referral partners.

TPA Management:

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of Third Party Administrators (TPAs) within the system.
  • Displays key details including TPA name, contact information, and contact person’s details.
  • Enhances the organization’s ability to manage TPA relationships efficiently.

Add TPA:

  • Allows users to add Third Party Administrators (TPAs) to the healthcare system.
  • Records key details such as TPA name, contact information, and contact person’s details.
  • Facilitates effective management and communication with TPAs for streamlined operations.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Referral Module is your strategic ally in maximizing patient referrals, optimizing revenue streams, and fostering strong professional relationships within the healthcare ecosystem. With innovative features and intuitive functionalities, our module empowers healthcare providers to unlock new growth opportunities and deliver exceptional patient care. Harness the power of your network with Synthegrate’s Referral Module and drive success in your healthcare institution.

Elevate Your TPA Relationships with Synthegrate’s TPA Management Module

Optimize Efficiency, Enhance Collaboration: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ TPA Management Module, your strategic partner in streamlining TPA relationships and optimizing communication within your hospital management system. Designed to simplify the process of managing Third Party Administrators (TPAs), our module offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to meet the diverse needs of healthcare organizations. With intuitive interfaces, customizable features, and seamless integration capabilities, our TPA Management Module empowers hospitals to enhance efficiency, foster collaboration, and strengthen partnerships with TPAs effectively.

Slogan: Unlock Efficiency, Foster Collaboration with Synthegrate’s TPA Management Module

Importance of the TPA Management Module: In today’s healthcare landscape, effective management of TPA relationships is paramount for hospitals seeking to optimize revenue streams, streamline administrative processes, and deliver quality patient care. The TPA Management Module plays a crucial role in facilitating seamless communication, enhancing transparency, and fostering collaboration between healthcare providers and TPAs. By centralizing TPA information, streamlining communication channels, and providing actionable insights, our module empowers hospitals to strengthen their partnerships with TPAs, maximize revenue opportunities, and deliver enhanced patient experiences.

Introduction to the TPA Management Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ TPA Management Module is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the process of managing Third Party Administrators (TPAs) within hospital management systems. By providing a centralized repository for TPA information, intuitive interfaces for data entry and retrieval, and robust communication tools, our module simplifies TPA management, enhances collaboration, and optimizes revenue cycle management for healthcare organizations.

Exploring the Functions of the TPA Management Module

TPA Management List:

  • Overview: Presents a comprehensive overview of TPAs within the system, displaying key details such as TPA name, code, contact information, and responsible contact person.
  • Search Functionality: Allows users to search for specific TPAs based on criteria such as TPA name or code, enhancing accessibility and efficiency in TPA management.
  • Export Options: Provides users with the ability to copy and export TPA data in various formats, facilitating further analysis or documentation as needed.

Add TPA:

  • Data Entry: Enables users to input essential details such as TPA name, code, contact information, and responsible contact person into the system.
  • Facilitated Communication: Helps in managing TPA relationships and streamlining communication channels by providing accurate and up-to-date TPA information.
  • Documentation: Supports effective documentation and record-keeping of TPA relationships, enhancing transparency and accountability within the organization.

Synthegrate Solutions’ TPA Management Module is your strategic partner in optimizing TPA relationships, streamlining communication, and maximizing revenue opportunities within your hospital management system. With intuitive features, customizable functionalities, and seamless integration capabilities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to unlock efficiency, foster collaboration, and achieve operational excellence in TPA management. Experience the power of streamlined TPA management with Synthegrate’s TPA Management Module and elevate your healthcare organization today.


Empower Your Finances: Synthegrate Solutions’ Finance Module

Where Precision Meets Prosperity: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Finance Module, your ultimate solution for managing finances with precision and ease within the healthcare ecosystem. Our module is designed to streamline financial processes, track income and expenses accurately, and provide valuable insights for informed decision-making. With intuitive features and comprehensive functionalities, our Finance Module is your partner in optimizing financial management and driving organizational growth.

Slogan: Maximize Your Financial Potential with Synthegrate’s Finance Module

Importance of the Finance Module: The Finance Module plays a crucial role in the Hospital Management System by providing a centralized platform for managing income, expenses, and financial transactions. By offering insights into the financial health of the institution, tracking revenue streams, and controlling costs, our module empowers healthcare organizations to make informed financial decisions and ensure sustainable growth. With Synthegrate’s Finance Module, healthcare providers can streamline financial operations, enhance transparency, and optimize financial performance.

Introduction to the Finance Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Finance Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline financial management processes within healthcare institutions. From tracking income and expenses to generating financial reports and insights, our module offers a range of functionalities to meet the diverse needs of financial management. With user-friendly interfaces and robust features, our Finance Module empowers healthcare providers to effectively manage their finances, drive efficiency, and achieve financial sustainability.

Exploring the Functions of the Finance Module


  • Income List: Provides an overview of income entries within the system, including details such as name, invoice number, date, income head, and amount.
  • Add Income: Facilitates the addition of income entries to the system, allowing users to input details such as income head, name, invoice number, date, amount, and description.


  • Expense List: Presents a comprehensive overview of expenses recorded within the system, including details such as name, invoice number, date, expense head, and amount.
  • Add Expense: Allows users to input expenses into the system, providing details such as expense head, name, invoice number, date, amount, and description.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Finance Module is your strategic partner in optimizing financial management within the healthcare ecosystem. With powerful features and intuitive functionalities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to streamline financial processes, track income and expenses accurately, and make informed financial decisions for sustainable growth. Harness the power of precision and prosperity with Synthegrate’s Finance Module and take control of your finances like never before.

Maximize Communication Efficiency: Synthegrate Solutions’ Messaging Module

Where Clarity Meets Connectivity: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Messaging Module, your gateway to streamlined communication within the healthcare ecosystem. Our module is designed to facilitate efficient dissemination of information, ensuring that crucial messages reach the right recipients at the right time. With versatile features and intuitive functionalities, our Messaging Module is your key to fostering collaboration, enhancing coordination, and optimizing workflow efficiency within healthcare organizations.

Slogan: Connect Seamlessly, Communicate Effortlessly with Synthegrate’s Messaging Module

Importance of the Messaging Module: The Messaging Module plays a pivotal role in the Hospital Management System by serving as a central platform for communication and collaboration. In a dynamic healthcare environment where timely dissemination of information is critical, our module empowers healthcare organizations to communicate effectively with staff members, patients, and other stakeholders. By providing tools for targeted messaging, personalized communication, and efficient coordination, our Messaging Module enhances workflow efficiency, fosters collaboration, and ultimately improves patient care outcomes.

Introduction to the Messaging Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Messaging Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline communication processes within healthcare institutions. From internal notices and group messaging to personalized emails and SMS, our module offers a range of functionalities to meet diverse communication needs. With user-friendly interfaces and robust features, our Messaging Module empowers healthcare providers to enhance collaboration, facilitate timely communication, and optimize workflow efficiency.

Exploring the Functions of the Messaging Module: 

Notice Board:

  • Notice Board: Acts as a central hub for disseminating crucial information within the healthcare system, ensuring targeted communication to specific roles and enhancing transparency and accountability.
  • Post New Message: Facilitates efficient distribution of messages within the healthcare system, allowing users to specify recipients from various roles and ensuring clarity and timeliness in communication.

Send SMS:

  • Group: Streamlines communication by allowing users to send SMS messages to predefined groups within the healthcare system, ensuring targeted dissemination of information to specific groups of individuals.
  • Individual: Enables users to send personalized SMS messages to individuals within the healthcare system, tailoring messages according to the recipient’s role and specific needs.

Send Email:

  • Group: Enables users to send emails to predefined groups within the healthcare system, facilitating streamlined communication for disseminating announcements, sharing reports, or communicating important updates.
  • Individual: Allows users to send personalized emails to individuals within the healthcare system, ensuring that each email is targeted and relevant to the recipient.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Messaging Module is your strategic partner in optimizing communication within the healthcare ecosystem. With powerful features and intuitive functionalities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to foster collaboration, enhance coordination, and drive efficiency in communication processes. Harness the power of connectivity and streamline your communication workflow with Synthegrate’s Messaging Module.

Optimize Inventory Management with Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module

Streamline, Organize, Thrive: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module, your ultimate solution for efficient inventory management within the healthcare system. Our module is designed to empower healthcare facilities with robust tools and functionalities to streamline inventory control, enhance transparency, and optimize stock management processes. With intuitive features and user-friendly interfaces, our Inventory Module is your key to achieving seamless inventory operations and maximizing efficiency within your organization.

Slogan: Stay Stocked, Stay Sorted with Synthegrate’s Inventory Module

Importance of the Inventory Module : The Inventory Module serves as the backbone of the Hospital Management System by providing comprehensive control and visibility over stock levels, item movements, and inventory transactions. In a healthcare setting where the availability of supplies and resources directly impacts patient care and operational efficiency, our module plays a pivotal role in ensuring that healthcare facilities maintain optimal stock levels, minimize stockouts, and streamline inventory operations. By facilitating accurate tracking, efficient replenishment, and transparent stock management processes, our Inventory Module empowers healthcare organizations to deliver high-quality patient care while optimizing resource utilization and minimizing costs.

Introduction to the Inventory Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module is a powerful tool designed to streamline inventory management processes within healthcare facilities. From tracking stock levels and issuing items to managing suppliers and generating comprehensive reports, our module offers a wide range of functionalities to meet the diverse needs of healthcare organizations. With real-time visibility, intuitive interfaces, and robust features, our Inventory Module provides healthcare providers with the tools they need to optimize inventory operations, enhance efficiency, and improve overall organizational performance.

Exploring the Functions of the Inventory Module

Item Stock List:

  • Item Stock List: Provides a comprehensive overview of the current stock of items within the healthcare system, including details such as item name, category, supplier, store location, acquisition date, quantity available, and purchase price per item.
  • Add Item Stock: Facilitates the addition of new items to the existing stock, allowing users to input item details, quantity, purchase price, and relevant documents, ensuring accuracy and transparency in stock management.

Issue Item:

  • Issue Item List: Offers a detailed view of all issued items, enabling efficient tracking and management, including essential details such as item name, category, recipient, issuer, quantity issued, and current status.
  • Add Issue Item: Streamlines the process of issuing items from the inventory to designated recipients, allowing users to specify recipient details, issue date, item category, specific item, and quantity issued.


  • Item List: Presents a comprehensive overview of all items stored in the inventory, allowing users to search and view item details such as name, category, unit of measurement, available quantity, and description.
  • Add Item: Enables the addition of new items to the inventory system, allowing users to input item details such as name, category, unit of measurement, and description, facilitating efficient inventory management and tracking.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module is your strategic partner in optimizing inventory operations, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring seamless stock management within the healthcare ecosystem. With powerful features, intuitive interfaces, and robust functionalities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to maintain optimal stock levels, streamline inventory processes, and deliver high-quality patient care. Harness the power of efficient inventory management with Synthegrate’s Inventory Module and take your healthcare facility to new heights of success.

Unlock Efficiency with Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module

Inventory Management Made Simple: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module, the ultimate solution for streamlining inventory management within hospital management systems. Our module is designed to revolutionize the way healthcare facilities manage their stock, ensuring optimal inventory control, efficient stock tracking, and seamless replenishment processes. With intuitive features and user-friendly interfaces, our Inventory Module is your key to achieving unparalleled efficiency and organization in inventory management.

Slogan: Optimize Stock, Maximize Efficiency with Synthegrate’s Inventory Module

Importance of the Inventory Module: The Inventory Module serves as the backbone of the Hospital Management System, playing a crucial role in ensuring that healthcare facilities maintain optimal stock levels, minimize stockouts, and streamline inventory operations. In a healthcare setting where the availability of supplies directly impacts patient care and operational efficiency, our module is essential for enhancing transparency, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing costs. By providing real-time visibility into inventory levels, facilitating efficient stock tracking, and automating replenishment processes, our Inventory Module empowers healthcare organizations to deliver high-quality patient care while maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste.

Introduction to the Inventory Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module is a comprehensive tool designed to simplify inventory management processes within hospital management systems. From cataloging and tracking stock items to uploading and managing content, our module offers a wide range of functionalities to meet the diverse needs of healthcare facilities. With user-friendly interfaces and powerful features, our Inventory Module enables healthcare providers to optimize inventory operations, streamline workflows, and enhance overall efficiency.

Exploring the Functions of the Inventory Module: 

Content List:

  • Content List: Displays a catalog of all uploaded content within the system, allowing users to search for specific content based on parameters such as title or type. The list showcases essential details including the content title, type, upload date, and a brief description, facilitating efficient content management and accessibility.
  • Upload Content: Enables users to upload various types of content to the system, providing details such as the content title, selecting the type of content from predefined options, specifying the upload date, and uploading the content file. Users can include a description to provide context or additional information about the uploaded content, ensuring easy access and viewing within the system.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Inventory Module is your strategic partner in optimizing inventory management processes, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring seamless stock control within hospital management systems. With intuitive features, robust functionalities, and unparalleled flexibility, our module empowers healthcare organizations to streamline inventory operations, minimize costs, and deliver exceptional patient care. Experience the power of efficient inventory management with Synthegrate’s Inventory Module and take your healthcare facility to new heights of success.

Empower Your Hospital with Synthegrate Solutions’ Certificate Module

Streamline Certificate Generation and Patient Identification: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Certificate Module, the ultimate solution for efficient certificate generation and patient identification within hospital management systems. Our module is designed to simplify the process of creating certificates and ID cards, ensuring accurate documentation and streamlined patient identification. With customizable templates, intuitive interfaces, and powerful features, our Certificate Module is your key to enhancing efficiency and organization in healthcare management.

Slogan: Effortless Certificate Generation, Seamless Patient Identification with Synthegrate’s

Certificate Module

Importance of the Certificate Module: The Certificate Module plays a crucial role in enhancing documentation accuracy and patient identification within hospital management systems. In a healthcare setting where precise documentation and patient identification are essential for providing quality care, our module ensures that hospitals can streamline certificate generation processes and create personalized ID cards with ease. By providing customizable templates, intuitive interfaces, and comprehensive patient information management, our Certificate Module empowers healthcare organizations to maintain accurate records, enhance patient identification, and optimize operational efficiency.

Introduction to the Certificate Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Certificate Module is a comprehensive tool designed to simplify certificate generation and patient identification processes within hospital management systems. From specifying criteria for certificate generation to creating personalized ID cards for patients and staff, our module offers a wide range of functionalities to meet the diverse needs of healthcare facilities. With user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates, our Certificate Module enables healthcare providers to streamline documentation processes, enhance patient identification, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Exploring the Functions of the Certificate Module


  • Select Criteria:
    • Select Criteria: Users specify criteria for generating certificates, choosing the module (e.g., IPD), patient status (e.g., Not Discharged), and certificate template. After configuring the criteria, users initiate the certificate generation process.
    • Patient List:
    • Patient List: Provides an overview of patients based on specified criteria, allowing users to search for specific patients and view relevant details such as identification number, name, gender, and discharge status.
    • Certificate Template:
      • Certificate Template List: Displays existing certificate templates along with background images, facilitating easy access and management.
      • Add Certificate Template: Enables users to create new certificate templates by customizing header text, body text, footer text, layout, and design elements such as patient photo and background image.

Patient ID Card:

  • Patient List:
    • Patient List: Allows users to generate patient ID cards by selecting criteria such as patient and ID card template, displaying relevant patient details for efficient management.
    • ID Card Template: Provides options for customizing ID card designs by uploading background images, logos, and signatures, and inputting hospital details and patient information.

Staff ID Card:

  • Staff List:
    • Staff List: Facilitates efficient management of staff information, allowing users to filter and customize staff data based on specific criteria.
    • ID Card Template: Enables customization of staff ID card designs with options for uploading background images, logos, and signatures, and inputting staff and hospital details.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Certificate Module is your strategic partner in streamlining certificate generation processes and enhancing patient identification within hospital management systems. With intuitive features, customizable templates, and comprehensive functionalities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to maintain accurate records, enhance patient identification, and optimize operational efficiency. Experience the power of streamlined documentation and patient identification with Synthegrate’s Certificate Module and take your healthcare facility to new heights of success.

Elevate Your Website Experience with Synthegrate’s Front CMS Module

Empower Your Online Presence, Effortlessly

Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Front CMS Module, your gateway to seamless website management and content creation. Designed to streamline the process of updating, organizing, and enhancing your website’s content, our module offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern web management. With intuitive interfaces, customizable features, and powerful functionalities, our Front CMS Module is your strategic partner in optimizing your online presence and engaging your audience effectively.

Slogan: Craft Compelling Content, Engage Your Audience with Synthegrate’s Front CMS Module

Importance of the Front CMS Module: In the digital age, a strong online presence is paramount for any organization, including hospitals and healthcare facilities. The Front CMS Module plays a crucial role in empowering healthcare providers to maintain an engaging and informative website, thereby enhancing communication with patients, visitors, and stakeholders. By providing intuitive tools for managing pages, events, galleries, news articles, media content, menus, and banners, our module enables healthcare organizations to showcase their services, events, and news updates effectively. With seamless content creation, organization, and presentation capabilities, the Front CMS Module ensures that hospitals can deliver relevant information to their audience in a timely and engaging manner, thereby fostering trust, loyalty, and satisfaction.

Introduction to the Front CMS Module

Synthegrate Solutions’ Front CMS Module is a comprehensive platform designed to simplify website management and content creation for hospitals and healthcare organizations. Whether you’re updating event calendars, publishing news articles, showcasing image galleries, or managing media content, our module offers a range of functionalities to meet your needs. With user-friendly interfaces, customizable templates, and seamless integration with your existing website, our Front CMS Module empowers healthcare providers to maintain an engaging online presence and effectively communicate with their audience.

Exploring the Functions of the Front CMS Module

Page Management:

  • Page List: Provides an overview of all pages on the website, allowing users to search for specific pages and access essential details.
  • Add Page: Enables users to create new pages by providing titles and descriptions, enhancing website organization and accessibility.

Event Management:

  • Event List: Displays existing events with essential details such as title, date, and venue, facilitating efficient organization and management.
  • Add Event: Allows users to add new events with customizable details, optimizing events for SEO and enhancing visibility.

Gallery Management:

  • Gallery List: Provides access to existing galleries and allows users to search and export gallery lists for further analysis.
  • Add Gallery: Enables the creation of new galleries with titles, descriptions, and SEO optimization, allowing for easy image upload and customization.

News Management:

  • News List: Displays existing news articles, allowing users to search and export news lists for further analysis.
  • Add News: Enables the contribution of news content with customizable details, enhancing visibility and searchability.

Media Manager:

  • Media Upload: Allows users to upload files or embed YouTube videos for easy access and management, facilitating efficient media content organization.

Menu Management:

  • Menu List: Provides an overview of all menus created, allowing users to manage and customize their website navigation.
  • Add Menu: Enables the addition of new menu items with titles and descriptions, enhancing website navigation and organization.

Banner Management:

  • Add Banners: Allows users to enhance the visual appeal of their website by adding banners with customizable images and display options.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Front CMS Module is your comprehensive solution for managing website content and engaging your audience effectively. With intuitive features, customizable templates, and powerful functionalities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to maintain a dynamic online presence and deliver relevant information to their audience with ease. Experience the power of seamless content creation and website management with Synthegrate’s Front CMS Module and elevate your online presence today.

Revolutionize Healthcare with Synthegrate’s Live Consultation Module

Experience Seamless Healthcare Delivery: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Live Consultation Module, your gateway to revolutionizing healthcare delivery. Empower your healthcare facility with the capability to conduct live consultations seamlessly, bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers. With intuitive features, customizable functionalities, and seamless integration capabilities, our module empowers healthcare organizations to enhance patient care, streamline communication, and deliver personalized healthcare experiences.

Slogan: Connect, Consult, Care: Synthegrate’s Live Consultation Module

Importance of the Live Consultation Module: In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the ability to conduct live consultations is more critical than ever. The Live Consultation Module plays a pivotal role in empowering healthcare providers to deliver timely, efficient, and personalized care to patients, regardless of geographical barriers. By facilitating real-time interactions between patients and healthcare professionals, our module enables prompt diagnosis, treatment, and support, leading to improved patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and enhanced operational efficiency within healthcare facilities.

Introduction to the Live Consultation Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Live Consultation Module is a comprehensive platform designed to facilitate seamless live consultations between patients and healthcare providers within hospital management systems. By providing intuitive interfaces, customizable features, and robust communication tools, our module empowers healthcare organizations to overcome geographical constraints, enhance accessibility, and deliver quality healthcare services remotely.

Exploring the Functions of the Live Consultation Module

Live Consultation:

  • Initiate Consultation: Begin by defining the title, date, and time of the consultation, ensuring effective time management.
  • Specify Details: Indicate whether the consultation pertains to an outpatient (OPD) or inpatient (IPD) case, and select the consultant doctor who will lead the consultation.
  • Configure Settings: Enable or disable host and client video options based on your requirements for the consultation setup.
  • Provide Description: Convey pertinent details about the consultation by providing a description, ensuring clarity and transparency.

Live Meeting:

  • Live Meeting List: Keep track of scheduled live meetings and their statuses effortlessly with the Live Meeting List feature.
  • Schedule Meetings: Define the title, date, and time of the meeting, and specify the duration to ensure efficient time management.
  • Configure Settings: Choose whether host and client videos will be enabled or disabled during the meeting, and provide a brief description outlining the purpose or agenda.
  • Select Participants: Choose staff members who will participate in the meeting, ensuring comprehensive engagement and collaboration.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Live Consultation Module is your strategic partner in transforming healthcare delivery, fostering seamless communication, and enhancing patient care. Experience the power of real-time interactions, personalized consultations, and efficient collaboration with Synthegrate’s Live Consultation Module, and elevate your healthcare organization to new heights of excellence.

Elevate Healthcare Management with Synthegrate’s Reports Module

Unlock Insights, Drive Efficiency: Welcome to Synthegrate Solutions’ Reports Module, your gateway to unlocking actionable insights and driving operational efficiency within healthcare management systems. With our comprehensive suite of reporting tools, healthcare organizations can gain valuable insights, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions to enhance patient care and optimize operational performance.

Slogan: Insights for Excellence: Synthegrate’s Reports Module

Importance of the Reports Module: In the dynamic landscape of healthcare management, access to accurate and timely information is paramount. The Reports Module plays a pivotal role in providing healthcare organizations with the tools they need to analyze data, monitor performance, and optimize processes effectively. By generating detailed reports across various aspects of hospital management, our module empowers organizations to identify trends, streamline workflows, and make informed decisions that drive excellence in patient care delivery and operational efficiency.

Introduction to the Reports Module: Synthegrate Solutions’ Reports Module is a comprehensive platform designed to empower healthcare organizations with actionable insights and analytics capabilities. From financial transactions and patient visits to inventory management and staff attendance, our module offers a wide range of reporting functionalities to meet the diverse needs of modern healthcare facilities. With customizable features, intuitive interfaces, and robust data visualization tools, our Reports Module enables organizations to unlock the full potential of their data and drive continuous improvement across all aspects of healthcare management.

Exploring the Functions of the Reports Module

Daily Transaction Report:

  • Generate Comprehensive Reports: Capture all financial activities and transactions within a specified timeframe to gain insights into daily financial performance.

All Transaction Report:

  • Detailed Transaction Analysis: Gain insights into individual transactions, including transaction ID, patient name, payment type, and amount, for effective financial tracking and analysis.

Appointment Report:

  • Optimize Appointment Scheduling: Analyze appointment data to optimize scheduling processes, track patient demographics, and improve patient management within the healthcare facility.

OPD and IPD Reports:

  • Monitor Patient Visits: Track outpatient and inpatient visits, including patient demographics, symptoms, findings, and attending doctor details, to optimize treatment protocols and resource allocation.

Balance Reports:

  • Track Outstanding Balances: Monitor outstanding balances for OPD and IPD cases to ensure timely collection of dues and efficient financial management.

Discharged Patient Reports:

  • Evaluate Patient Discharges: Analyze data on discharged patients to monitor performance, assess outcomes, and improve care delivery processes.

Pharmacy, Pathology, and Radiology Reports:

  • Optimize Diagnostic Services: Gain insights into pharmacy sales, inventory management, and diagnostic testing activities to optimize resource allocation and improve service delivery.

OT, Blood Bank, Ambulance, Birth, and Death Reports:

  • Enhance Service Delivery: Monitor surgical procedures, blood bank transactions, ambulance services, childbirth, and mortality rates to ensure quality care and patient safety.

Payroll and Staff Attendance Reports:

  • Manage Human Resources: Track payroll activities and staff attendance to optimize workforce management and ensure compliance with organizational policies.

User Log and Email/SMS Log:

  • Ensure Security and Communication: Monitor user activities and communication logs to ensure data security and facilitate effective communication within the organization.

Inventory Reports:

  • Optimize Inventory Management: Track inventory levels, issue transactions, and stock movements to optimize inventory control and minimize wastage.

Audit Trail Report:

  • Ensure Compliance: Monitor system activities and changes to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and organizational standards.

Patient Visit, Patient Bill, Referral Reports:

  • Drive Data-Driven Decisions: Gain insights into patient interactions, billing transactions, and referral activities to drive data-driven decisions and enhance organizational performance.

Synthegrate Solutions’ Reports Module empowers healthcare organizations to harness the power of data, unlock actionable insights, and drive continuous improvement in patient care and operational efficiency. With customizable reporting functionalities and intuitive interfaces, our module enables organizations to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape and deliver excellence in healthcare management.

Optimize, Customize, Succeed: The Setup Module

Where Precision Meets Potential: In the dynamic landscape of hospital management, precision and customization pave the path to success. Enter the Setup Module by Synthegrate Solutions – a transformative tool designed to empower healthcare institutions with unparalleled configurability and efficiency. As the cornerstone of operational excellence, this module revolutionizes the way hospitals configure, customize, and optimize their management systems, setting the stage for transformative change and unparalleled success.

Unlocking the Power of the Setup Module: At the heart of every thriving hospital management system lies the Setup Module – a powerhouse of configurability and customization. This indispensable tool empowers healthcare administrators to tailor their systems with precision, ensuring seamless workflows, enhanced productivity, and superior patient care. By providing robust configuration options and seamless integration capabilities, the Setup Module sets the stage for operational excellence, driving efficiency, and innovation in healthcare management.

Exploring the Functions of the Setup Module

  • Settings Configuration: The Setup Module offers comprehensive settings configuration options, allowing administrators to define essential parameters such as general settings, notification settings, SMS and email configurations, payment methods, and more. From setting up language preferences to configuring system themes and appearance, this section serves as the foundation for system customization and optimization.
  • Roles and Permissions: In the realm of healthcare management, role-based access control is paramount. The Setup Module facilitates granular roles and permissions management, enabling administrators to define access levels and privileges for different user roles within the system. By ensuring data security and confidentiality, this feature fosters a secure and compliant healthcare environment.
  • Backup and Restore: Data integrity and resilience are critical in healthcare management. The Setup Module includes robust backup and restore functionalities, allowing users to safeguard critical data and restore system configurations in the event of unforeseen incidents. By providing peace of mind and ensuring continuity of operations, this feature mitigates risks and enhances system reliability.
  • Language and Localization: Multilingual support is essential for catering to diverse patient populations and healthcare professionals. The Setup Module offers comprehensive language and localization settings, enabling users to configure language preferences, date formats, and other localization parameters to accommodate different linguistic and cultural preferences.
  • Modules Configuration: Healthcare management systems comprise various modules aimed at managing different aspects of operations. The Setup Module allows administrators to configure and customize modules according to specific requirements, ensuring seamless integration and interoperability across the system. From patient management to inventory control and financial management, this feature facilitates comprehensive system configuration and optimization.

Harnessing the Potential of the Setup Module for Hospital Management Systems

In the fast-paced world of healthcare management, the Setup Module emerges as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. By empowering healthcare institutions to configure, customize, and optimize their systems with precision and ease, this transformative tool lays the groundwork for operational excellence and unparalleled success. With the Setup Module, Synthegrate Solutions invites healthcare institutions to embark on a journey towards efficiency, innovation, and excellence, where precision meets potential, and success knows no bounds.

Synthegrate Solutions: Where Innovation Meets Integrations

Synthegrate Solutions stands at the forefront of healthcare technology, driving innovation, and excellence in hospital management systems. With a commitment to empowering healthcare institutions with cutting-edge solutions, we redefine the standards of efficiency, precision, and patient care. As pioneers in the field of healthcare technology, we invite you to unlock the power of the Setup Module and embark on a journey towards operational excellence and transformative change. Together, let us shape the future of healthcare, where innovation meets integration, and success becomes inevitable.