Module: Contacts

In the comprehensive sidebar navigation of your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, the “Contacts” module takes center stage, offering a nuanced approach to managing your business connections. Upon clicking this module, four distinct buttons unfold, each catering to specific facets of your contact management strategy: “Suppliers,” “Customers,” “Customer Groups,” and “Import Contacts.”


Delving into the “Suppliers” section initiates a window that serves as the focal point for overseeing supplier-related activities.

Suppliers Window

Within this window, checkboxes become key elements, presenting options such as “Purchase Due,” “Advance Balance,” and “Opening Balance.” Toggling these checkboxes dynamically updates information within the “All your Suppliers” cell. The default display mirrors the configurational settings exhibited in the screenshot.

Moreover, an “Add” button stands prominently, beckoning users to open a new window for the seamless addition of contacts. This window facilitates the incorporation of both suppliers and customers, providing a versatile approach to contact management.

Add New Contact


Parallel to the “Suppliers” section, the ‘Customers’ segment empowers users to oversee contacts with a plethora of information. The data encompassed in this section includes Contact ID, Business Name, Name, Email, Tax Number, Credit Limit, Payment Terms, Opening Balance, Advance Balance, Added On, Customer Group, Address, Mobile, Total Sale Due, Total Sell Return Due, and multiple Custom Fields.

Customer Window

Customer Groups

In the dedicated ‘Customer Groups’ section of your ERP system, strategic organization and management of diverse customer segments become achievable. Each customer group is characterized by key details:

  • Name: Identifying title for the customer group.
  • Calculation Percentage (%): Represents a percentage for calculations or discounts applied to transactions involving customers within the group.
  • Selling Price Group: Specifies a pricing strategy or set of rules for products or services associated with customers in this group.

Within this section, users can execute various actions concerning the management of customer groups. These actions include adding new groups, editing existing ones, or deleting groups, contingent upon the features embedded in your ERP system.

 Customer Group Window

Imports Contacts

For the ‘Import Contacts’ functionality, the system streamlines the process of adding or updating contacts through file imports.

Import Contacts Window

This feature allows users to choose a file for import, ensuring a seamless integration of contacts into your system.