User Management

From the sidebar, the second module is “User Management.” Clicking on it reveals three buttons: “Users,” “Roles,” and “Sales Commission Agents.”
Clicking on “Users” opens a new window displaying all registered users. You can export the user information in PDF, CSV, Excel formats, and print it out. Each user entry has three buttons: “Edit,” “View,” and “Delete.” These buttons allow you to edit a user’s profile and personal information, view their details, and delete them from the ERP system.
The second button, “Roles,” shows all users in the system who have been assigned specific roles. For each user, there are two buttons: “Edit” and “Delete.” You can edit a user’s role, such as making them an admin or assigning a different role, and delete users as needed.
Sales Commission Agents:
In the “Sales Commission Agents” module, you can view all users in the system who have been assigned as sales agents. The information displayed includes details about their contacts and the sales commission percentage assigned to them. Within this module, you have the ability to edit or delete these sales commission agents as needed, providing comprehensive control over their profiles and assignments in the ERP system.