Profit / Loss Report:
  • This report provides a detailed breakdown of the financial performance of a business over a specific period, highlighting the revenue generated, expenses incurred, and resulting profit or loss.
Purchase & Sale Report:
  • The Purchase & Sale Report tracks transactions related to both purchases and sales, providing insights into the movement of inventory and overall business activity.
Tax Report:
  • The Tax Report summarizes tax-related information, including amounts owed, paid, and any applicable deductions. It is crucial for ensuring compliance with tax regulations.
Supplier & Customer Report:
  • This report categorizes and details interactions with suppliers and customers, helping businesses manage relationships, track transactions, and analyze key metrics.
Customer Groups Report:
  • The Customer Groups Report categorizes customers based on predefined criteria, allowing businesses to analyze and target specific customer segments effectively.
Stock Report:
  • A Stock Report provides an overview of the current inventory levels, including details on stock quantities, locations, and value, helping businesses manage and optimize their stock.
Lot Report:
  • The Lot Report focuses on products grouped by lots, providing insights into product batches, expiration dates, and other lot-specific details.
Stock Adjustment Report:
  • This report documents any adjustments made to stock levels, providing transparency into changes made and reasons for adjustments.
Trending Products Report:
  • The Trending Products Report identifies products that are gaining popularity based on sales data, helping businesses make informed decisions about inventory and marketing strategies.
Items Report:
  • This report provides a comprehensive overview of all items in inventory, detailing product specifications, quantities, and other relevant information.
Product Purchase Report:
  • Details all transactions related to product purchases, including supplier information, quantities, and prices.
Product Sell Report:
  • Summarizes sales transactions for each product, providing insights into product performance and revenue generation.
Purchase Payment Report:
  • Tracks payments made for purchased goods, detailing payment methods, dates, and amounts.
Sell Payment Report:
  • Documents payments received for sold products, offering insights into customer payment patterns and preferences.
Expense Report:
  • Summarizes business expenses, categorizing and detailing costs incurred during a specific period.
Register Report:
  • Provides a detailed record of financial transactions, including sales, purchases, and payments.
Sales Representative Report:
  • Highlights the performance of sales representatives, including sales figures, targets achieved, and other relevant metrics.
Table Report:
  • Relevant for businesses in the hospitality industry, this report details table occupancy, sales, and other related information.
Service Staff Report:
  • Similar to the Sales Representative Report, this report focuses on the performance of service staff in industries like restaurants or service-oriented businesses.
Activity Log:
  • The Activity Log records and tracks user activities within the system, enhancing security and providing an audit trail for accountability.